About cacao
Our commUnity Cacao is sourced from all over MesoAmerica. We are currently sourcing from Ecuador and Costa Rica.
All of our products are sustainably sourced & fair wages paid to the stewards (farmers) of the scared plant medicine.
Cacao is known as “Food of the Gods”. Since it was first discovered at least 5,000 years ago, Cacao is considered a plant medicine.
Cacao is a fruit grown in tropical environments around the world. Chocolate comes form Cacao but since it is processed it loses it’s health benefits.
In 2016, our founder Emilia Jean started a curious journey attending Cacao ceremonies in St Pete, FL. This powerful plant medicine lead her to happily leaving her successful accounting career to pursue B’antiox Imports!
Through this journey her mind, body, and soul had a shift leading her to her purpose of sustainably sharing Cacao across the globe.
We started sourcing Cacao from the Bribri tribe in 2016 which has been only served in commUNITY celebrations. Small batches of this Ceremonial Cacao is available for purchase a couple times a year. When it is available.
We host two commUNITY celebrations a month (in-person); one is always all inclusive & one is for our siSTARhood.
For dates & details check out our Facebook.